Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The Warrior Cat: Into the Wild

The book Into the Wild is a book written by Erin Hunter. the book is mainly about a house cat named Rusty, but then he changed his name into Firepaw after he joined the wild cats that lived in the forests. Then he turned into a warrior and changed his name into Fireheart. Through out the book, Fireheart meets alot of cats, some of them think he's too soft to be a warrior. Some think of him as a friend. And others just ignore him or still thinking if he will make a warrior or not.

I can also relate to Fireheart in alot of ways because in elementary school, there are also some people that dont want to be my friend because I'm chinese. Also, some people liked me as a friend. And there are alot that just ignore me... Unlike Fireheart, he did good in his warrior life and i didn't do good in my school life.

The Warrior Cat books are also books for cat lovers and people that likes to see the point of view of a cat. It's not the book for dog lovers because in the series, there are alot of parts were they say that dogs are dumb and the dogs always get defeated.

So if you like cats and their point of view, or for som reason you like dogs, but want to see them get defeated, then the Warrior Cat series is for you...(i think)


  1. Nice job making connections. It's interesting how a book about cats can actually be really symbolic of human life.

  2. Louleen,

    A book for cat lovers?! You've convinced me to read this. =)

  3. I like how you connected the character's beliefs about firepaw with yourself.

  4. i liked how you made a personmjal connectiomn to someone in the book
